Stuart Mitchell

Stuart Mitchell Stuart was born in Scotland and educated at Fettes College and St. Andrews University where he read Medieval History. He is also a graduate of the Owner President Management Program from the Harvard Business School.
Upon leaving University in 1987 he joined Morgan Grenfell Asset Management (MGAM) and soon afterwards assumed responsibility for managing the continental European equity assets for MGAM's British pension fund clients. Stuart was appointed a director of MGAM in 1996. He was then made Head of European Equities and was responsible for $27 billion of equity assets. Whilst at MGAM he managed the Morgan Grenfell European Fund from January 1990 to June 1996. The fund rose by 123% over that time compared with 85% for the benchmark index. The Fund was awarded 1st place by Micropal (5 year awards) in 1996.
In 1998 Stuart left MGAM to become a principal, director and Head of Specialist Equities at J O Hambro Investment Management (JOHIM). At JOHIM he set up and managed a long/short European fund, The Charlemagne Fund. He also managed since inception in December 1998 until March 2005 the JOHIM European Fund. The Fund rose by 133% over that time period and was number 1 rated by Micropal within its sector and three star ranked by S&P*. Stuart left JOHIM in March 2005 to establish his own firm S. W. Mitchell Capital LLP.

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