Florian Weidinger

Florian Weidinger Florian Weidinger is the CEO of Hansabay, a Singapore-based investment management business with a strong focus on emerging and frontier economies, in particular Southeast Asia. Hansabay is a specialist in activist and special situation investing, and follows the UN Principles for Responsible Investment.
Prior to founding Hansabay, Florian Weidinger was a vice president at Lehman Brothers where he last worked for the insolvency administration, after several years with the risk arbitrage, principal investing and investment banking divisions in London.
Mr. Weidinger has sourced, managed and executed public and private investments in Europe, Africa and Asia, and across the capital structure. Strategies included event-driven, long/short, distressed/credit and special situations investing.
Mr. Weidinger has held multiple board directorships across financial services and industry.
He is currently a non-executive director and chairman of the audit committee of Navigator Holdings Ltd, an international gas transport company listed on the New York stock exchange, serving emerging markets.
Mr Weidinger holds a BSc from City University London, an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, and an MS in Environment and Resources from Stanford University.

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